Well, last nights scrapbooking was a great time as usual!! It's always a bright spot in my week and one I look forward too!
Today it's back to the usual routine...drop kids at school, pick up house, etc. Later in the day we all go to the dentist. It's amazing how our dentist has to set aside an entire afternoon just to see all of us. He's the only dentist the 4 older kids have ever been too and when Marc and I got married my girls and I started going to him as well. I'm soooo glad that he's a great guy as I am one of those people who have a dentist phobia. If I go and I don't like you, I won't go again until there are problems which I know is not good. My youngest brother is a dentist but he lives near St. Louis so it's a little far for us to go....also I'm not sure he'd be as patient with us since we're family, LOL!!
OK, so I'm a huge Days of our Lives fan and today is the funeral of Hope & Bo's youngest son. According to http://www.theearlyedition.blogspot.com it's going to be quite the tearjerker. I'm not sure if I want to watch or not. I'm such a sap and it doesn't take much to make me cry so I know I'd be sobbing. Of course the decision might be taken out of my hands if Seth decides he wants to watch one of "his" shows.
My other big decisions of the day......drum roll.....
Do I do a load of laundry today or do I wait and just do two loads tomorrow?
What kind of cards do I want to make for the card swap I'm in? We have strict instructions that they have to be cards for HAPPY occasions. I just have to decide which happy occasion to chose.
Do I let Seth eat mashed potatoes for lunch for like the 4th time in a week or do I insist he eat something else?
Well, obviously I'm not getting much done so far today so I'd better get busy or my day will be over before I know it!!
Hope everyone has a good day!
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