I'm not asking for much. How about a week of weather that has temperatures above 32 degrees and no more SNOW!! I do realize this is Chicago but come on I think we've had enough already. If this keeps up my parents may never return from Texas and Marc's may decide to stay in Florida.
Not much happening this weekend. We had Winterfest at church so the kids made painted t-shirts and fleece scarves while the parents attended bible study. Our teacher is very good and really makes the class fun. Marc thanked me for signing us up so obviously he's enjoying it too!
Saturday Katie went to London Middle School's variety show as one of her BFF's was performing. She also got invited to a little after party that Zoey's mom was giving her at a local restaurant. So I dropped her off at school and gave her $7. Two for the ticket and $5 to contribute to whatever she ordered at the restaurant. Well needless to say she bought her ticket, enjoyed the show and then lost her purse somewhere between the school and the restaurant so $5 went missing. Zoey's mother of course would accept no money from anyone and I should have known that ahead of time and just kept the $5 to myself. Oh well, it could have been worse. Katie only had lip gloss and her wallet in the purse. Luckily she'd left her school ID at home or we would have had to pay $5 to get a new one.
Yesterday we all stayed home and tried to keep warm. Marc was adamant about going to Target last night (totally unlike him) as he said they had a few things on sale he needed. I had went through the sale ad and didn't see anything I thought we needed. Well he came home told me to sit at my desk and close my eyes. I got my Valentine gift (I didn't expect one at all so I was shocked) early. He bought me a red fleece blanket with hearts all over it. I spend a lot of time at my desk with my feet propped up and then my legs get cold so he thought the blanket would help. Very sweet. He also brought me dark chocolate M&M's, Peanut M&M's, Reese's Miniatures and Cherry Cordial Kisses. I should be set for awhile!!
Stay warm everyone.
What a thoughtful husband! The fleece blanket sounds wonderful for scrappin' on cold nights...is it large enough for two? Maybe Marc would like to scrap with you?
I'm totally with you it must get warmer. How do I get a blanket? Have Marc call Dave?
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